

Keeru to kurumi no beeguru / kale and walnut bagels

One of our bagels takes advantage of kale for a deeper flavor, which is especially noticeable when toasted, while toasting also intensifies the crunch of walnuts.

This is a variation based on a plain version I adapted from ChefSteps (Amazing Chewy Bagels From Scratch). In my adaptation, shiokoji salted rice malt to lower sodium content also conditions the dough, making it softer and triggering a Maillard reaction due to its enzymes. For this reason, I do not use diastatic malt powder, which the original recipe lists as a key ingredient, but I do use non-diastatic malt powder for flavoring. Yet considering kale's effect of making the dough taste slightly "earthy and green," non-diastatic malt powder may not be needed at all in the recipe below. Until I experiment further, this is what appears at our table. These are smallish bagels packed with flavor.

1 bagel (1/8 recipe; 74 g baked):
219 calories; 6.8 g protein; 4.3 g fat; 37.7 g carbohydrate; 34.8 g net carbs; 93 mg sodium; 0 mg cholesterol; 2.9 g fiber