

Jagaimo to horenso no misoshiru / miso soup with potatoes and spinach


300 cc dashi
1 tbsp miso 
1 potato
1/2 bunch spinach

Skin and slice potato.

Put dashi in a pot, add potatoes, and cook on medium-low heat until soft.


In the meantime, blanch spinach and cut into 4 cm length.

Place an individual amount in each soup bowl.


When potatoes are soft, add miso, less than specified at first, taste and adjust.

Remove from heat.


Pour in each bowl and serve immediately.

  • Each miso differs in saltiness. First add less than indicated, taste and adjust.
  • Spinach can be blanched ahead of time. 
  • When using blanched spinach that has been kept in the refrigerator, bring it out at least 10-20 minutes before the soup is done so the soup stays hot when served. Alternatively, place the blanched spinach in the soup at the very end to heat it up; however, this damages the color of spinach, and is not recommended.
  • Cook potatoes until they crumble for thicker soup texture. This tastes especially good in winter. 
  • Put potatoes and other root vegetables in dashi or water from the beginning. Dashi or water does not need to be boiling before adding them.

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