

Katsuo dashi, katsuo-kobu dashi / bonito stock, bonito-kelp stock

These are quick versions that are especially good when only a small amount of dashi is needed.

Katsuo dashi / bonito stock

Katsuobushi bonito flakes
Boiling water


In a measuring cup or heatproof container, put katsuobushi (without compressing it) to half or 2/3 of the cup height.

Pour briskly boiling water to the top of the cup.

3. When katsuobushi sinks somewhat, strain.

  • Use large flakes of katsuobushi  (called "hana katsuo"). Small flakes do not give good dashi flavor or aroma.
  • If dashi tastes strong, dilute with water when using. 

Katuo-kobu dashi / bonito-kelp stock


Katsuobushi bonito flakes
Kombu kelp
Boiling water


Follow the directions for katsuo dashi above. 
The only difference is that kombu is added, broken into smaller pieces.

  • Thicker (usually wider) kombu gives better aroma and flavor, and is much more desirable when kombu is the major or only ingredient in dashi

Niban dashi / second dashi stock
The katsuobushi and kombu used to make dashi in the above processes still have flavor and aroma. 

By simmering, they make a second dashi stock, which is not as aromatic as the first dashi and has a murky appearance as in the photo, but is good enough for use in miso soup, stew or prep cooking.  


In a pot, put katsuobushi (and kombu) used to make the first dashi, and add water (2/3 of the amount used for the first dashi), and bring to boil. Simmer for 10 minutes, and strain.

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