

Sakana to kinoko no tsutsumiyaki / fish and mushrooms grill-steamed in paper packet

Simple is best when you have fresh ingredients. Upon opening packets at the table, steam and aroma fill the air.

2 fillets fish (rockfish in photo)
Large handful mushrooms (chanterelles in photo)
2 green onions
2 tbsp sake
2 thin (2-3 mm) slices butter (or 2 tsp sesame oil)
Lemon or lime, soy sauce (not in photo)


Julienne or diagonally slice green onions thinly.

Tear mushrooms into smaller pieces.


On parchment paper, place fish, green onion, and mushroom, and top with butter. Pour 1 tbsp sake each.

To ensure a tight seal, first fold in the two long ends, then twist both sides like candy wrapping.


Bake at 200-230 C (400-450 F) until done, about 10-15 minutes.


Serve immediately with citrus such as lemon or lime, and soy sauce.

  • Fish must be fresh. Previously frozen fish is not recommended.
  • Use only a small amount of butter. You are eating the main ingredients, not butter!
  • If fresh mushrooms are not available, simply forget about them. Dried mushrooms would taste too strong with this method. Fish with green onion (especially white part) and ginger is a good combination too.

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