

Tamagoyaki / plain omelet

A little salty and slightly sweet.
One of the few dishes that my sister, who was never interested in cooking, was good at making when we were in high school.

2 eggs
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp sake and 1 tsp mirin
2 tsp dashi
Pinch of salt


Mix all ingredients. While mixing, move chopsticks to cut apart egg whites.


Heat pan, put a generous amount of oil, and wipe off excess oil with paper towel. Keep the heat at medium low. Pour one-third of egg mixture, and quickly poke overall with chopsticks.


Roll from the outer end.


Apply oil (go over with paper towel used to absorb excess oil) on open area.

Move rolled egg to the outer end, and apply oil to the front end.


Pour half of remaining egg mixture, quickly poke, and roll before surface dries out.


Repeat one more time, and cook until egg mixture is completely set.


Cut into desired number of pieces.

  • Each family has their own recipe. Some people prefer sweet tamagoyaki. When a larger amount of sugar or mirin is added, cook at lower heat because egg mixture will burn quickly.
  • Poking egg mixture after pouring into pan is to fluff up the mixture.
  • Use spatula to roll if maneuvering chopsticks is too much work or egg mixture sticks to pan.

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