

Gomadofu / sesame tofu

Mellow and creamy. A traditional zen temple dish made easy.


(3-4 small teacups/jelly molds)

240 cc kobu-dashi (small piece kombu kelp soaked in 240 cc water)
30 g kuzuko arrowroot starch
2 tbsp tahini
Soy sauce, wasabi (not in photo)


In a pot, put kobudashi and kuzuko, and mix well.


Add tahini, mix well, and turn heat to medium low.

Keep stirring bottom with spatula until sesame mixture thickens, 5-10 minutes.

When thickening, reduce heat to low and keep stirring for another 5-8 minutes.


Wet teacups/molds with water, and spoon in mixture.

Cover and refrigerate until set, about 30 minutes.


Empty gomadofu on plate, and serve with wasabi and soy sauce diluted with equal part (or more) water.

  • This is usually made in a large rectangular mold and cut in squares when served at temples/temple vegan food restaurants.
  • Stirring sesame mixture for some time after it has thickened makes gomadofu supple and shiny at the end.

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