

Baanya kauda / bagna cauda

Bagna cauda sauce tastes great with any vegetable and oven-fresh bread. Here is one example.


Bagna cauda sauce (see recipe)
Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, crimini mushrooms, red peppers, snow peas, satoimo baby taro root, renkon lotus root, satsumaimo sweet potato, radishes)


Cut vegetables. (Soak lotus root in water with vinegar to prevent discoloration.)


Grill or steam vegetables as desired.

Grill carrots, baby taro root and sweet potato at 400-430 F (200-220 C).
When somewhat soft (after 10 minutes or so), add lotus root and red peppers, and grill until tender. Remove any that appear to be browning too much.

Steam broccoli and cauliflower until color is brighter/clearer.

Add snow peas in the last minute. Remove from heat when done.


Make cuts in radishes (optional).


Serve on plate with bagna cauda sauce.

  • Many vegetables taste good without cooking, but it is nice to have warm vegetables on your plate. In addition, vegetables are transformed according to how they are prepared. Grill for more intense aroma and flavor, steam for a slightly sweet taste and tenderness, etc.
  • When steaming, be careful not to overcook. Crumbly or soggy vegetables are not very pleasant.

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