

Sakana to yasai, kinoko no hoiruyaki, miso-fumi / grilled fish, vegetables and mushrooms in foil, miso flavor

A very simple packet dish for oven or grill. The steam and aroma coming up from the packet when opened at the table is a moment to savor. Red miso's deep flavor is mellowed by mirin -- delicious on cool nights.


1-2 fillet fish (200 g halibut in photo)
1 small carrot
3-4 cm wedge kabocha pumpkin
4 shiitake mushrooms
2 green onions
2 tsp aka red miso
1 1/2 tsp mirin
2 tsp sake
1 tsp butter (optional)


Slice carrot, kabocha and shiitake into 5-8 mm thick pieces.
Diagonally thinly slice green onions.
Cut fish into two (if using one fillet).


Mix miso and mirin well.


In center of each of two sheets of 25-30 cm square foil, spread miso mixture.

Scatter green onions (save some green slices for garnish).

Place fish, carrot, kabocha and shiitake on top.

Put pieces of butter on top, and swirl sake over.

Close each packet, and grill at 450 F (230 C) for 15 minutes (or at 480 F/250 C for 10 minutes or so).

  • When eating, the soup should be left in the packet to prevent getting too much sodium.
  • Butter is optional, and totally unnecessary if using fatty fish.

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