

Mini jagaimo no nimono / sweet and salty baby potato in reduced broth

A simple combination of soy sauce, sake, mirin and sugar turns those potatoes into tasty little things. Great with rice, beer and sake.


300 g baby potatoes
4 tbsp water
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp sake
1 tbsp mirin
1 tsp brown sugar


In a pot in which potatoes fit tightly in single layer, put water, soy sauce, sake, mirin and brown sugar, and bring to boil.


Add potatoes, place a drop-cover directly on top, and simmer on medium to medium low heat until a skewer smoothly goes through potatoes; about 15 minutes.


Remove drop cover, raise heat somewhat, and continue cooking until liquid is reduced to a loose syrup consistency; about 10 minutes.
Turn potatoes often to prevent them from burning at the bottom and to evenly coat with seasoning.

  • Either round baby potatoes or banana fingering type potatoes work great.
  • Use potatoes with skins. The flavor sticks to the skin, providing a good contrast with the pure potato flavor inside.
  • Because of the small amount of liquid (seasoning), pot size does matter with this recipe. Liquid should be about 1cm high, covering approximately one-third  of potato bottoms at the beginning. In other words, fill your pot with potatoes, and adjust the amount of seasoning according to how much you have in the pot.

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