

Chikuwa to kinoko no nibitashi / chikuwa fishcakes and mushrooms in broth

An easy dish with a complex, deep flavor from assorted mushrooms.


2 chikuwa fishcakes
Large handful of various kinds of mushrooms (enoki, chanterelle, shiitake and shimeji mushrooms, 130 g in total in photo)

For broth
4 tbsp dashi
1 tbsp sake
1 tsp mirin
2 tsp soy sauce


Remove root or discolored ends of mushrooms.
Cut enoki in half, and tear other mushrooms into a smaller sections.

Diagonally slice chikuwa fishcakes.


In a pot, put all ingredients for broth, and bring to boil.

Add chikuwa and all mushrooms (enoki on top), cover, and cook on medium low heat for 10 minutes. 


Ready to serve.

  • Enoki cooks fast, and thus is placed on top of other ingredients.
  • Other fishcake, such as sasakama and kamaboko, works just fine.
  • Tastes good hot or at room temperature.
  • The complex flavor is achieved by combining multiple kinds of mushrooms. Use at least two kinds for this dish.

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