

Hanarenkon / flower-cut lotus root

Lotus root rounds are transformed into flowers. A simple and popular decorative cut.


Sliced renkon lotus root (any thickness; at least 3 mm for ease of cutting into flower shape)


Skin and slice lotus root, and soak in water (up to 5 minutes).


Cut lotus root edge along outer holes. You can work on each indentation or cut along one side of holes and flip the slice to work on the other side.

  • If your lotus root has a straight shape, you can take a relatively thick section (3 cm or 4 cm thick) and cut into flower shape, then slice it thinly.  If the lotus root is not straight, it is easier to cut individual slices from the root and then make flowers.
  • Each slice can be as thick as 1cm to 1.5 cm, according to how crunchy you want your lotus root and how it is cooked.

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