

Hoshi-shiitake no fukumeni / dried shiitake mushrooms simmered in sweetened broth

Sweetened broth brings out the distinctive deep taste of dried shiitake.


4 hoshi-shiitake dried shiitake mushrooms

For broth
75 cc dashi
1 tbsp sake
1 tbsp mirin
Generous pinch brown sugar
1 tbsp soy sauce


Rehydrate dried shiitake by microwaving with a small amount of water for 1-2 minutes.


Add shiitake rehydrating liquid to dashi to get 150 cc liquid in total.
If you come up short, add water.

In a pot, put the liquid, sake, mirin, brown sugar and rehydrated shiitake, bring to boil, place otoshibuta drop cover directly on top, and simmer on low heat for 10-15 minutes.


Add soy sauce, cover, and simmer another 5-10 minutes.
Remove from heat, and let cool in broth.

  • This is especially good when paired with a somewhat salty soy sauce flavored dish and a light, relatively plain nishime or takiawase dish where ingredients are cooked separately and served in the same bowl.
  • When making this as part of osechi food served on New Year's Day, prepare this on December 30th or 31st.
  • Keep refrigerated and heat up before serving.

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