

Ingen to satsumaage no nimono / green beans and deep-fried fishcakes simmered in broth

The “green” taste of ingen green beans is highlighted by the soft, somewhat sweet taste of satsumaage. This is on the strong end of flavor, and a small amount makes a satisfying companion for rice or drinks.


10-12 ingen green beans (100 g in photo)
1 large or 2 small satsumaage deep-fried fishcakes
150 cc dashi
1 tbsp sake + mirin (equal parts)
1 tbsp soy sauce


Pour boiling water over satsuaage to get rid of excess oil.
If using satsumaage in vacuum packs, boil them instead.


Cut green beans in half or thirds, and cut satsumaage into desired number of pieces.


In a pot, bring dashi, sake and mirin to boil.

Add green beans, and simmer on medium heat until color brightens somewhat, a few minutes.


Add satsumaage, simmer for another minute, add soy sauce, and simmer until liquid is reduced by half or almost gone (depending on flavor strength preference).

  • Satsumaage that come in vacuum packs tend to be much greasier on their surface, and pouring boiling water over does not sufficiently remove excess oil, which tends to smell in the final dish.
  • If unsure how much to reduce broth, taste green beans while cooking.
  • Tastes good hot or cold.

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