

Nasu to ebi no karashi-gomaae / eggplant and prawns in Japanese mustard sesame dressing

A great combination of eggplant and prawns for a neat little side dish. Karashi mustard adds just enough bite to spice up rich sesame dressing.


Nasu to kyuri, myoga no sunomono / Japanese eggplant, cucumber and ginger bud in rice vinegar dressing

A refreshing summer trio! The zesty aroma of a Japanese myoga ginger bud adds a great accent to this sunomono.


Kabu no ebi-ankake / Japanese turnips with thickened prawn sauce

A very soothing dish. Soft, juicy kabu turnips and naturally sweet prawns make a tender twosome, and the distinctive taste and aroma of mitsuba add just the right accent. Ginger gives a refreshing note.


Nagaimo to okura no ume-ae / Chinese yam and okra with pickled plum

A little summer dish for your good health. Nagaimo and okra, both loaded with mucin to protect your immune system, are paired with umeboshi, yet another traditional health food.


Nasu no agebitashi / deep-fried eggplant in light broth

A heavenly creamy and juicy eggplant dish for summer. Okra makes marinade broth thick and smooth, while grated ginger clears away the oiliness of eggplant. Since eggplant is deep-fried, a small amount is very satisfying.


Ebi to soramame no shiraae / prawns and fava beans in tofu dressing

A golden combination of sweet prawns and softly bitter fava beans dressed with tofu dressing and a hint of sesame for a delightful aroma. 


Yakinasu no akadashi / red miso soup with grilled eggplant

The concentrated taste of grilled eggplant goes great with the strong flavor of red miso soup. Sliced myoga Japanese ginger buds are packed with aroma and flavor, and instantly turn the spotlight on this simple combination.


Kimi no shoyuzuke / egg yolks in soy sauce

How simple and delicious can egg yolks be? This dish answers the question – extremely simple and absolutely great on steamed rice! The yolks take on an amber hue from marinating in soy sauce and mirin, and the concentrated rich taste and creamy texture is a big step up from traditional tamago-kake gohan, where a whole egg is simply placed on rice with a drizzle of soy sauce.


Okura no ohitashi / okra in light broth

Ginger really perks up this summer ohitashi with okra.


Ebi no paeriya / paella with prawns

A party paella with botan-ebi spot shrimp at the height of their season! The broth is also made with spot shrimp, infusing the rice with the yummy flavor of shrimp at their best.


Dinner, August 5, 2013

A relief dinner from the night before, which was a restaurant meal saturated in so much salt that Tom could barely eat his steak. 


    Soramame to ebi no kakiage / mixed tempura with fava beans and prawns

    Tempura tastes best when made with in-season ingredients. Here is a great example of mixed tempura using fava beans and spot shrimp, both of which have a short season in our area. Bitter, starchy fava beans are a great companion for sweet prawns.


    Tofu to soramame, ebi no yuzukosho-itame / stir-fried tofu, fava beans and prawns with yuzukosho

    A gentle, mildly sweet yet slightly bitter combination of tofu, prawns and fava beans. The fruity spiciness of yuzukosho works the magic.


    Yooguruto no muusu / yogurt mousse, with blueberry sauce

    A very lightly sweetened, fluffy and creamy yogurt mousse. One of my standard dessert choices to serve after a meal with guests.


    Deveining prawns without cutting

    Deveining prawns does not necessarily require cutting open their back. In many dishes prawns are not cut, while in others some prawns are in their shells and some are shelled in the final dish. It takes an extra step, but proper preparation is the key to best results. Here is how to devein prawns in their shells. Deveining shelled prawns follows the same process. Now get a toothpick or skewer, and remember to be gentle.