

Okura no ohitashi / okra in light broth

Ginger really perks up this summer ohitashi with okra.


5-6 okra
Salt (to remove fuzz on okra surface; not in photo)

For ohitashi broth
200 cc dashi
2 tsp soy sauce
1 tbsp sake + mirin in combination (equal parts)
1/4 tsp salt
1 small knob ginger


In a small pot or stovetop-resistant container, put dashi, soy sauce, sake, mirin and salt, and bring to boil. 


Meanwhile, sprinkle salt on okra, and rub with finger to smooth surface.

Rinse off salt.

Remove skin around top end with calyx.
Cut off top.


Grate ginger.


When boiling, put okra, and simmer 1+ minutes after broth starts to boil again.
Remove from heat.

Add ginger to okra, and chill until serving.

  • Best after marinated 30+ minutes.

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