

Kiriboshi-daikon to saishin no misoshiru / miso soup with dried julienned daikon radish and yu choy sum

Kiriboshi-daikon is another ingredient packed with umami. It instantly adds a soft and deep taste to miso soup. Niboshi dashi--stock made with young dried sardines—provides the punch to counter kiriboshi-daikon's sweet note. Below I used iriko (tiny niboshi), as I was out of regular niboshi.

1/2 of recipe:
37 calories; 2.2 g protein; 0.4 g fat; 6.3 g carbohydrate; 3.8 g net carbs; 235 mg sodium (with reduced-sodium miso; 351 mg with regular miso); 0 mg cholesterol; 2.5 g fiber


10 g kiriboshi-daikon dried julienned daikon radish
Handful saishin yu choy sum (60 g in photo)
100cc dashi (to soak kiriboshi-daikon; katsuo-kobu dashi in photo)
5-6 iriko baby dried sardines (or 2-3 niboshi young dried sardines)
300-350 cc water
2 tsp miso
1/2 tsp plain yogurt


Remove heads and bellies of iriko or niboshi, and toast (without oil) in a pot until aromatic. 

Pour water, bring to boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 10+ minutes.


Meanwhile, soak kiriboshi-daikon in katsuo-kobu dashi.


Strain iriko (niboshi) dashi, and obtain 250 cc (if not enough, add katsuo-kobu dashi from kiriboshi-daikon rehydration cup or water).


Cut yu choy sum into 3-4 cm.


Bring iriko (niboshi) dashi to boil.


Take some dashi from pot and loosen miso and yogurt.


When iriko (niboshi) dashi boils, reduce heat to medium high, squeeze out excess moisture from rehydrated kiriboshi-daikon, and add to pot.


When iriko (niboshi) dashi boils again, add stem sections of yu choy sum to pot, cover, and wait for 10-20 seconds.

Add leaf sections of yu choy sum, cover, and cook for 30 seconds.


Add miso + yogurt mixture, bring soup almost to boil, and turn off heat.
Ready to serve.

  • If katsuo-kobu dashi is not available, kiriboshi-daikon can be rehydrated with water. When katsuo-kobu dashi is used, remaining dashi after squeezing rehydrated kiriboshi-daikon can be used in other dishes.
  • Heating the soup to near boiling temperature after adding yogurt prevents it from tasting sour. Miso's taste and aroma will be damaged if you let the soup boil; watch the soup carefully at the very end!
  • This is great with any leafy greens. Choose what's in season.

(Last updated: January 24, 2014)


  1. Fantastic idea! I happen to have dried daikon. I made it last year to prepare it pickled. I loved it so much, I made another dried batch for later. I'm glad I can use it in another way because something magical happens to the humble daikon while dried...

  2. Yes, indeed. I didn't pay much attention to kiriboshi-daikon before, but it is becoming one of my favorite ingredients. Rehydrated dried daikon tastes pretty sweet and has chewy texture, and it is great in a salad (with leafy greens) too. I also sometimes use it to replace part of noodles in yakisoba fried noodles.
