

Kani to mibuna no mazegohan / steamed rice with crab and mibuna mustard greens

A common winter-season duo of crab and mibuna mustard greens is mixed in steamed rice. The hidden flavor of a piece of kombu kelp and sake, which are added when cooking rice, tops off the overall combination.

1/3 of recipe:
197 calories per serving; 7.1 g protein; 0.6 g fat; 37.9 g carbohydrate; 37.3 g net carbs; 137 mg sodium; 12 mg cholesterol; 0.6 g fiber

1/2 of recipe:
295 calories per serving; 10.7 g protein; 0.9 g fat; 56.9 g carbohydrate; 56.0 g net carbs; 205 mg sodium; 18 mg cholesterol; 0.9 g fiber


1 cup* rice
Approx. 180 cc water (not in photo)
1 tbsp sake
1 3cm square piece kombu kelp
60 g Dungeness crabmeat (approx. 1/4 of a whole crab)
20 g mibuna no asazuke salt-pickled mibuna mustard greens (previously frozen in photo)
*180 cc (1 rice cooker cup)


Rinse rice, drain, and let sit for 30+ minutes.


Add sake and water to 1 cup mark, mix, put kombu, and cook rice.


Meanwhile, squeeze out excess water from salt-pickled mibuna, and chop into smaller pieces (5 mm-2 cm, as you like).


When rice is done, wait 10 minutes, remove kombu, and gently fluff.


Immediately before serving, mix in mibuna, then gently mix in crabmeat.

Ready to serve.

  • Mibuna no asazuke becomes milder after freezing. Alternatively, you can use freshly made mibuna no asazuke, which has a brighter color and looks more cheerful.
  • Blanched leafy greens mixed with salt (1-1.5% of uncooked greens' weight) can substitute for mibuna no asazuke.
  • Pair this rice with a simple soup such as kakitamajiru (egg flower soup) or miso soup with daikon radish, kabu turnip or soft tofu.

(Last updated: January 24, 2014)

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