

Tonyu, okara / soy milk and soybean pulp

Making both soy milk and soybean pulp is as easy as soaking beans overnight, grinding and cooking them, and squeezing to separate the liquid (soy milk) and solids (soybean pulp). When only needing a small amount or when wanting rich taste or coarse bean pulp, a pot and blender work fine -- often better than pricey soy milk makers.


(Makes approx. 500 cc tonyu soy milk and 100 g okara pulp)

75-80 g daizu soybeans (approx. 130 cc)
Water (approx. 500 cc water to soak beans, 600 cc water after soaking beans; not in photo)


Soak soybeans overnight (24 hours in winter).



Put soybeans in a pot, add some water from the measured 600cc water, and puree.


Add remaining water, and heat on medium to medium high heat.

Go over the bottom with a spatula to prevent it from burning.


Meanwhile, set up tools to strain soy milk.
Here, I have a large measuring cup fitted with a strainer and cloth.


When soybean + water mixture is nearly boiling, foam will start to build up.

If your pot is not large enough to contain the foam, scoop it up, and put in the cloth lining the strainer.


When boiling, reduce heat to low, and continue cooking for 8-10 minutes.



Wrap the cloth tightly.
When cool enough to handle, wring hard to squeeze out as much liquid as possible. 
(Tonyu soy milk at left, okara pulp at right)

  • If you are using soy milk as a drink or as an ingredient in cooking, simmering after ground soybeans + water mixture starts to boil is optional.
  • The simmering process is to extract enough protein from soybeans to set tofu. In other words, the soy milk above can be turned into tofu. See recipe on how to make tofu.
  • The soy milk here is quite thick (14.3%). It imparts a rich texture to soups and sauces when used in cooking.
  • Okara can be kept frozen for a few months. If you freeze it, first dry saute (without oil) or microwave until okara becomes dry; let cool completely, wrap, and freeze.
  • Rinse or wash tools used for making soy milk and pulp while they are still hot for easy cleaning. 
  • Photo at right shows tonyu and okara made of kuromame black soybeans.
(Last updated: February 13, 2016)


  1. I've never made tofu from kuromame before, would I use the same amount of water and nigari as with daizu soybeans?

  2. Yes, the same amount as usual.
