

Asupara to minitomato no kakitama misoshiru / egg flower miso soup with asparagus and cherry/grape tomatoes

A great combination of egg, asparagus and tomatoes that is perfect for everyday miso soup!

1/2 of recipe:
67 calories; 5.6 g protein; 3.2 g fat; 4.0 g carbohydrate; 2.9 g net carbs; 167 mg sodium (with reduced-sodium miso; 197 mg with regular miso); 107 mg cholesterol; 1.1 g fiber


3 asparagus spears (58 g in photo)
3 grape tomatoes (40 g in photo)
1 egg
250 cc dashi
2 tsp miso
1/2 tsp yogurt


Make crisscross cuts at the bottom of tomatoes.

Blanch for 20-30 seconds, and transfer to ice water.


When tomatoes are cool, peel off skin.

Cut asparagus into 3 cm.
Lightly beat egg.


Put dashi in a pot, and bring to boil.

Meanwhile, take some dashi from pot, and loosen miso and yogurt.


When dashi boils, put asparagus, cover, and simmer until soft (a few minutes).


Add miso + yogurt mixture, and mix well.


While keeping soup near boiling, swirl in egg

Wait for it to start cooking and float to the surface, and roughly mix with a spoon or ladle by going over the bottom of pan.


Add tomatoes, and heat through.
Ready to serve.

  • Boiling the soup after adding miso compromises the best aroma and taste of miso. When keeping the temperature high to cook egg and heat through tomatoes, watch the heat level to prevent soup from boiling.
  • One-third or half an egg is enough for the above recipe. This is a great miso soup to finish up any leftover egg. It also reduces total sodium and cholesterol figures (1 egg contains about 70-90 mg sodium and 180-240 mg cholesterol).
  • Egg and asparagus alone or egg and tomatoes alone make a great combination, too.

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