

Hakkuruberii no makaron taruto / huckleberry macaron tart

A light tart filled with in-season huckleberries and topped with macaron -- meringue with almond flour. The macaron is crunchy on the surface on Day 1, and turns to the texture of sponge cake from the next day.

Whole tart:
850 calories; 24.2 g protein; 52.2 g fat; 79.8 g carbohydrate; 61.6 g net carbs; 121 mg sodium; 19 mg cholesterol; 12.7 g fiber

1/8 slice:
106 calories; 3.0 g protein; 6.5 g fat; 10.0 g carbohydrate; 7.7 g net carbs; 15 mg sodium; 2 mg cholesterol; 1.6 g fiber

(16 cm / 6 1/4" tart)
1 16 cm (6 1/4") tart crust (without shiokoji; half recipe of okara no taruto kurasuto / tart crust with soybean pulp; prep-baked)

For filling
Macaron mixture
     1 1/2 egg whites (53 g in photo)
     53 g almond flour
     43 g powdered sugar
Handful (approx. 100-120 g) huckleberries (100 g in photo)

2-3 tsp powdered sugar (to sprinkle before baking)

Preheat oven to 370 F / 180 C.


Beat egg whites, first at low speed until frothy, then at the highest speed until fine form is created.

Add one-third of sugar, and beat.

Add half of remaining sugar, and beat.

Repeat with the rest of sugar, and beat until clear peaks form.


Add almond flour, and fold.
Macaron mixture is ready.


Put huckleberries in tart crust, and top with macaron mixture.

Spread mixture to seal tart crust edges, and make any pattern on surface.


Using tea strainer, sprinkle powdered sugar on top.
Wait several minutes, and again sprinkle powdered sugar. 


Bake for 45-50 minutes until top slightly colors.


Cool on wire rack.

  • By weight, powdered sugar amount is 80% of egg whites or almond flour above. One egg white weighs approx. 35 grams.
  • Huckleberry nutrition information is found here.
  • Pacific Northwest native evergreen huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum) at right.
(Last updated: November 18, 2016)


  1. I was (pleasantly) suprised that the meringue topping wasn't too sweet but crunchy on the top and fluffy beneath. I used a different tart crust recipe using fresh okara and frozen huckleberries.

  2. Thank you for trying the recipe. The sweetness of this tart is quite high for me but not high enough for the majority of our non-Japanese friends and guests. So I usually put more sugar if the tart is for our guests (and feel guilty, thinking that I might be contributing to their health getting worse …). Crunchy pate sucree or crumbly pate brisee (sucree) would be my choice for the crust, if no dietary restrictions need to be considered.
