

Okara-konnyaku no nikumiso-fu soboro to iritamago no gohan / steamed rice topped with sweet & salty fried soybean pulp yam cakes and scrambled egg

Here is an example of how to use my meaty meatless okara-konnyaku bits. Just like other strong flavored items, these bits cooked with dried shiitake and gobo burdock root make a great topping for steamed rice. Oil-free scrambled egg with dashi offers a mild balance, with green onion slices accentuating the dish with a softly spicy note.

1/2 recipe without rice:
60 calories; 4.0 g protein; 3.5 g fat; 3.2 g carbohydrate; 1.6 g net carbs; 104 mg sodium; 105 mg cholesterol; 1.6 g fiber

1/2 recipe with 110 g steamed rice (approx. 1/3 of steamed rice made with 180 cc/150 g dry rice):
239 calories; 7.0 g protein; 3.9 g fat; 42.0 g carbohydrate; 40.1 g net carbs; 104 mg sodium; 105 mg cholesterol; 1.9 g fiber

1/2 recipe with 165 g steamed rice (approx. 1/2 of steamed rice made with 180 cc/150 g dry rice):
328 calories; 8.5 g protein; 4.1 g fat; 61.4 g carbohydrate; 59.4 g net carbs; 104 mg sodium; 105 mg cholesterol; 2.0 g fiber

30g okara-konnyaku no nikumiso-fu (sweet and salty fried ground soybean pulp yam cakes)
1 egg
1-3 tsp dashi (1 tbsp dashi in photo)
1 green onion (3 g in photo)

Steamed rice (not in photo)

<Directions >

Slice green onion.


In microwaveable container, beat egg, add dashi, and mix well.


Microwave egg mixture along with fried soybean pulp yam cakes (covered with moistened paper towel to prevent spattering) for 20-30 seconds.
Remove fried yam cake when hot.

Stir egg mixture, and put back in microwave for 10-20 seconds.
Ideally, remove from microwave while egg is not completely cooked, and finish cooking with cover on, using heat from egg and container on the counter.
Mix in green onion slices.


Top steamed rice with fried soybean pulp yam cakes and scrambled egg.

  • As you know, a microwave cooks really fast, and eggs tend to become solid quite quickly. Adding dashi as above slows down the cooking speed. If no dashi is at hand, sake or even water (or milk for Western cooking) works fine. Naturally, adding less liquid results in firmer texture with finished egg.
  • Green onion slices can be mixed in egg + dashi mixture and cooked together, which gives a milder taste. Adding fresh (raw) green onion slices at the very end highlights the spiciness.

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