

Shishito to eringi, myoga no miso-itame / stir-fried shishito peppers, king oyster mushroom and Japanese ginger buds with miso sauce

Crispy shishito and myoga stand out in this small side dish, which offers the punch of red miso against the soft and chewy texture of eringi mushroom. To ensure crispiness of shishito and myoga, cook eringi on relatively high heat to prevent it from letting out moisture and making everything soggy.

1/2 of recipe:
36 calories; 2.0 g protein; 1.3 g fat; 5.7 g carbohydrate; 3.1 g net carbs; 81 mg sodium (with shoyukoji soy sauce rice malt made with 50% reduced-sodium soy sauce); 0 mg cholesterol; 2.6 g fiber; 252 mg potassium

7-8 shishito Japanese sweet peppers (7 shishito, 48 g in photo)
1 medium to large eringi king oyster mushroom (92 g in photo)
2-3 myoga Japanese ginger buds (2 myoga, 26 g in photo)

1/2 tsp kurozu brown rice vinegar
1/2 tsp aka red miso
1/2 tsp shoyukoji soy sauce rice malt
1/2 tsp sake
1/2 tsp mirin

1/2 tsp oil


Mix all seasonings, except for kurozu brown rice vinegar.


Cut shishito in 2-3 sections.
Remove discolored ends of eringi, cut into 2-3 sections lengthwise, and slice relatively thickly (5-6 mm).
Thinly slice myoga lengthwise.


Heat oil, and saute eringi on medium high heat.
Flip to cook the other side. (If moisture comes out, raise heat.)


Add shishito, and stir.
Add kurozu brown rice vinegar, and continue cooking. 


Add myoga and miso mixture, stirring quickly.
Ready to serve. 

  • Both shishito and myoga can be eaten raw, and after adding shishito to the frying pan, the cooking process is very fast. Do not wait for them to cook through in the frying pan. Ideally, myoga in this dish should be almost raw in order to enjoy its zesty aroma. 
  • Shoyukoji partially replaces red miso and mirin. If not available, add more miso and mirin (or other sweetener).
  • Kurozu brown rice vinegar is used to give the shoyukoji some punch. It also adds a somewhat deep aroma to eringi. By adding it before other seasonings and letting it almost evaporate, its sour taste does not linger in the final dish.

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