

Dinner, June 11, 2011

As soon as I found rockfish kama (triangle part with breast fin) at Uwajimaya in Seattle yesterday, I wanted to eat arani. Kama is fatty and tastes rich.

  • Steamed rice with toasted sesame seeds
  • Miso soup with satoimo baby taro root, broiled tofu and spinach
  • Aradaki of rock fish and daikon radish
  • Gobo to ninjin no kimpira / kimpira saute of burdock root and carrot
  • Tomyo no ohitashi / ohitashi with pea sprouts

Aradaki or arani is bony fish parts cooked in dashi, soy sauce, sake, mirin and sugar. I'm still modifying the recipe for this dish. A small amount gives enough flavor to the meal. Its rich flavor is absorbed by daikon radish cooked in the same broth.

For such a strong-flavored dish, the rice should be plain.

The miso soup offers three different textures: creamy baby taro root, smooth yet substantial broiled tofu and lightly fibrous spinach.

Gobo and carrot kimpira is spicy and crunchy. Sesame oil adds a toasty aroma.

Pea sprout ohitashi tastes sharp and clean, and its stringy texture add a twist.

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