

Ra nagaimo / spicy Chinese yam pickles

A small dish with a zesty punch.

(4 serving)

10-15 cm nagaimo Chinese yam
2 white sections of green onions
2 slices of ginger
1/2 red chili pepper
1 tbsp sesame oil

For marinade
2 tbsp rice vinegar
1 tsp usukuchi soy sauce
1/2 tsp salt


Skin and somewhat thickly slice nagaimo (5 mm thickness).
Julienne white onion and ginger.

Slice red chili pepper in rounds.


Heat sesame oil and saute nagaimo and red pepper.


Pour all the marinade ingredients.


When the marinade boils, add white onion and ginger, and remove from heat.

  • Nagaimo surface is slimy when skinned. Do not wash the surface. When slicing, it may be difficult to hold with hand if placed horizontally. Place it vertically, like a pillar, and slice from one side.
  • This dish tastes better after several hours. If planning to eat this on the next day, reduce the amount of soy sauce so that it will not taste too salty.

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