

Nagaimo Chinese yam

Dioscorea batatas
Nagaimo keeps its crunchiness when sliced, julienned or diced even when cooked (for a short time). Grated nagaimo is often added to fluff up a mixture of other ingredients (batter for savory pancakes, Japanese confectioneries, ganmodoki tofu patties, etc).

Nagaimo is one of the top tonic-effect vegetables. When cut or skinned, nagaimo secretes a sticky fluid. The slimy fluid contains mucin and mannan that protect stomach mucus (preventing stomach ulcers), prevents diabetes and hyperlipidemia as well as revitalizes the immune systems.

Nagaimo is also rich in digestive enzymes, such as amylase/diastase and catalase. Amylase/diastase helps break down and digest starch while catalase neutralizes radical oxygen. Because these enzymes do not stand heat well, these effects weaken when cooked.

Recipes with nagaimo

Try nagaimo in the following recipes

(Last updated: June 16, 2016)

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