

Ebi to shantoreru no rabiori / ravioli with prawns and chanterelle mushrooms

Ravioli filled with mildly sweet prawns paired with chanterelle mushrooms, in a simple butter & parmesan cheese sauce.


(2-3 servings)
1/2 fresh pasta dough

10-12 medium prawns (130-140 g peeled & deveined)
Large handful chanterelle mushrooms
Several springs Italian parsley
1/2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
Salt & pepper to taste (not in photo)
1/2 tbsp olive oil (not in photo)


Prepare filling.
Cut or tear 1/2 amount of chanterelles into small pieces.

Heat olive oil, and saute chanterelles.

Salt and pepper to taste, and set aside.


Prep prawns.
Place prawns on board, and pound with back of knife to roughly mash.

Next, with the sharp edge, cut apart chunks to obtain a mixture of half-mashed and small plump pieces of prawns.

Place prawns in bowl.

When chanterelles are cool enough, add to prawns, and mix well.
Filling is ready.


Form ravioli.
On pasta sheet rolled out at the thinnest setting, place small spoonfuls of filling in mounds, keeping about 2cm between mounds. Place mounds slightly off center for easy wrapping.

Fold empty half over filling, and press areas between filling and edges to seal.

Separate individual ravioli with pie cutter.

Place ravioli on dry towel.


Cook ravioli and sauce.
Divide chanterelles into somewhat large pieces.
Finely chop parsley leaves.


Bring water to boil, add generous amount (1/2-1 tbsp) salt, and boil ravioli on high to medium high heat for 2-3 minutes.


In the meantime, heat frying pan, melt butter, saute chanterelles, add 2-3 tbsp water from ravioli pot, taste, and adjust with salt and pepper.


Drain ravioli, and add to sauce pan.

Grate parmesan cheese, and quickly mix.

Add parsley, and quickly mix again.
It's ready to serve.

  • When forming ravioli, sprinkle flour on board as necessary to prevent dough from sticking to working surface, and keep remaining dough covered with moist towel or plastic. 
  • This fresh pasta recipe dough is moist and does not require sealing help such as egg. Pressing with a finger is enough.
  • No binding ingredient (egg, starch) for filling is added here. Potato starch used for cleaning prawns seems to bind well enough.  

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