

Ebi no kareeraisu / curry rice with prawns

Curry sauce infused with prawns, with basmati rice cooked with cloves.


Large handful (300 cc) curry rice sauce
Handful prawns
1 1/2 tbsp dry white wine
2 tsp curry powder
1 red chili pepper (sliced)
A few stalks parsley
Salt & pepper, to taste (not in photo)
Olive oil (not in photo)

Steamed basmati rice (not in photo)
3-5 whole cloves (not in photo)


Cook basmati rice. Add water (slightly less than when cooking Japanese rice) and cloves, and cook. When done, remove cloves and fluff up.


Prep prawns (see frozen prawns if using previously frozen prawns).
Chop parsley leaves.


In frying pan, heat oil, add prawns and saute on medium heat.

When prawns turn somewhat opaque, add curry powder, and stir quickly.

Add white wine and stir.

Add curry sauce, mix quickly, remove prawns, and set prawns aside.


Add red chili pepper to sauce, and cook until somewhat thick (reduced to 1/2 to 1/3).


Taste, and add salt and pepper.


Put back prawns, stir quickly, and serve on steamed basmati rice.

Sprinkle parsley.

  • This dish would taste much richer if prawns are sauteed with butter or a mix of butter and olive oil.
  • Removing prawns from sauce helps to keep them soft. If kept in sauce while simmering down, prawns would become like rubber.
  • The amount of red chili pepper should be adjusted according to spiciness of curry sauce.
  • Prawns add a salty taste; do not add too much salt to the sauce.
  • If Japanese rice is used, use slightly less water than usual to make it somewhat dry.
  • Cloves for rice are optional, but highly recommended

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