

Yudebuta no yuzu remon-zuke / slow-cooked pork marinated in yuzu citron and lemon

A great appetizer. Yuzu citron's aroma and flavor add a pleasant mellow touch to this simple pork dish. Thinly sliced lemon gives the dish a sharp punch.


400 g pork loin
200 cc sake
1/2 small lemon
1 1/2 tbsp yuzu citron juice
2 tbsp soy sauce


Put sake and pork in a pot, and add water to where it covers pork.

Place paper drop cover, and cook on low heat for 1 hour, or until liquid does not come out when inserting a skewer to center of pork.
Add water from time to time to maintain water level.


Drain, pat dry, and thinly slice.

Thinly slice lemon.


In a container, layer pork, lemon, yuzu juice and soy sauce, and let sit in refrigerator for at least one hour.
Occasionally turn upside down for even flavoring. Serve at room temperature.

  • Sake tenderizes the pork.
  • If you have fresh yuzu, use 1 yuzu, thinly sliced.
  • Tastes better after a couple of days.

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