

Atsuage to tomato no esunikku nikomi / stewed deep-fried tofu and tomatoes

A tasty, simple stew with a Southeast Asian twist. Surprisingly good with plain rice.


2 atsuage deep-fried tofu
2 medium tomatoes
4 green onions (green sections)
150 cc chicken stock
2 tsp nam pla fish sauce
1 tsp oil (not in photo)


Prep-boil or pour boiling water over atsuage.
Cut into small pieces.


Dice tomatoes, and cut green onions into 3cm.


In a frying pan, heat oil, and saute atsuage and tomatoes on medium heat.

When tomatoes start to crumble, add chicken stock and 2/3 of the specified amount of nam pla, and simmer until tomatoes become like a sauce, about 20 minutes.


Taste, and add nam pla as necessary.
Add green onions, and mix.
Ready to serve.

  • I use chicken stock I make myself, and it is free of salt. If you use store-bought chicken stock, you might want to reduce the amount of nam pla by half or so.
  • Do not keep cooking after adding green onions. Cooking longer would damage green onions’ softly pungent aroma and taste, which are the highlights of this dish. 

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