

Atsuage to takenoko no misoni / deep-fried tofu and bamboo shoots in miso-flavored broth

This softly salty miso broth is wonderful with takenoko. Oil from atsuage adds just enough of a rich note to the broth.


150-200 g takenoko no mizuni boiled bamboo shoot
1 atsuage deep-fried tofu
1 knob ginger

For broth
300 cc dashi
1  tbsp sake + mirin (equal parts)
1 tbsp miso


Pour boiling water over atsuage, and pat dry with paper towel to absorb extra oil.


Cut atsuage into bite-size cubes.

Cut takenoko to match atsuage in size.
The bottom end is usually tougher, so cut it into somewhat thinner pieces.

Finely chop ginger.


In a pot, but dashi, sake and mirin, and bring to boil.

Add atsuage, takenoko and ginger, place otoshibuta drop cover directly on top, and simmer on medium low heat for 8-10 minutes.


Meanwhile, loosen miso with broth taken from the pot.


Remove cover, add miso, and simmer until liquid is reduced to 1/3 or so.

  • The saltiness of miso differs by brand. Depending on your miso, this dish could become quite salty, especially if the broth is reduced much more than above. Adjust the amount accordingly.
  • Try this with fresh bamboo shoots or freshly boiled bamboo shoots if available -- although they take a bit of preparation, fresh bamboo shoots beat vacuumed-packed or store-bought boiled bamboo shoots hands down for taste and aroma.
  • This is a mild dish. For something a bit more distinctive, add red chili pepper to the broth or sprinkle sansho powder when serving.

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