

Takenoko to sakura ebi no itamemono / bamboo shoot saute with sakura ebi dried shrimp

Thinly sliced bamboo shoot is pleasantly light in texture, while sakura ebi provide a toasty note. An easy little side dish.


1/2 (approx. 100 g) takenoko no mizuni boiled bamboo shoot (110g in photo)
1 tbsp sakura ebi dried shrimp
2 tsp sake
1 1/2 tsp usukuchi soy sauce
1/2-1 tsp oil (not in photo)
Black pepper, to taste (not in photo)


Cut bamboo shoot crosswise in half, and thinly slice lengthwise (2 mm thick or less).


In a frying pan, heat oil, and saute sakura ebi on medium low heat.

When sakura ebi become toasty, add bamboo shoot, and saute.

Bamboo shoot slices are likely to stick together; make sure to separate them so that each slice comes in contact with the flavors of sakura ebi and seasonings added later.


Add sake, stir, add soy sauce, stir, and cook until liquid is gone.

Add black pepper, and stir.
Ready to serve.

  • This is a good recipe for himekawa, the soft inner skin toward the tip of bamboo shoots, which you get when prep-boiling shoots. Above, the bamboo shoot is sliced thinly to achieve a texture similar to himekawa.
  • If sakura ebi are not available, chirimenjako dried young sardines would be a good substitute.
  • When you taste at the end, make sure to taste a bamboo shoot slice together with sakura ebi. Sakura ebi can be saltier than you think, and adding salt or more soy sauce based on the taste of bamboo shoot slices alone may result in an overly salty dish.
  • If sesame oil is used, the dish becomes richer and more aromatic.

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