

Yasai sutokku / vegetable stock

Made without herbs, this is a versatile stock for Asian and other dishes. Add carrot ends and other firm vegetable trimmings as well as onion/shallots skins for additional flavor. The idea of first grinding key vegetables is adopted from a Japanese chef, Miyuki Igarashi, who specializes in Chinese dishes. 


(Makes 700-800 cc stock)

150 g hakusai napa cabbage (small inner head or approx. 1/4 regular head)
1/4 onion or shallot of equivalent size (45 g shallot in photo)
Vegetable trimmings (carrot ends, onion skins in photo)
1000 cc water


Roughly chop hakusai and shallot (save skins), and grind in food processor.


Transfer ground hakusai and shallot to a pot, pour water, and heat on medium.


Put vegetables trimmings and shallot skins in a tea bag, and add to pot.


Remove thick whitish foam that appears when almost boiling.


Reduce heat to low, and simmer for 30-60 minutes while removing white foam on surface from time to time.

Discard vegetable trimmings tea bag.
Keep stock refrigerated or frozen in small batches.


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