

Dyukuseru / duxelles / minced mushroom saute

Sauteed mushrooms with their concentrated flavor are handy as a filling for rolled meat dishes and a topping for grilled fish as well as an ingredient of omelets, croquettes, savory tarts, soups, and more.

Whole recipe:
145 calories; 7.7 g protein; 5.7 g fat; 17.7 g carbohydrate; 12.0 g net carbs; 15 mg sodium; 14 mg cholesterol; 5.7 g fiber


(Makes approx. 400 cc/220 g)

200 g assorted fresh mushrooms (1 portabella, 4 crimini, 4 shiitake in photo)
10 g dried porcini mushrooms
1/4 onion or 1-2 shallots (50 g)
1/2 tbsp butter


Rehydrate dried porcini. When in hurry, add water and microwave for 1-2 minutes.


Finely chop onion and all mushrooms.

Save liquid from rehydrating porcini.


In a frying pan, melt butter, and saute onion on medium to medium low heat.

When translucent, add mushrooms, and continue sauteing.


When mushrooms soften and are moist, add liquid from rehydrating porcini, and keep sauteing until moisture is almost gone.

  • Keeps in the fridge for 10 days.
  • A single type of mushrooms is fine. Mixing several kinds results in a deeper and more complex flavor.
  • Thicker or larger pieces of dried porcini take quite a long time to rehydrate. When in hurry, pick small or broken pieces (they will be chopped up anyway).
  • Onion or shallot is a standard ingredient, but if left out, the earthy flavor is more intense.
  • Duxelles is often pureed before being used in various dishes.

(Last updated: January 24, 2014)

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