

Ainame no dyukuseru-yaki / grilled ling cod with duxelles

Tasty mushroom sauce adds amazing aroma and depth to a simple fish dish. This is a very easy fish dish that looks pretty impressive at the table.

1/2 of recipe:
226 calories; 28.7 g protein; 8.5 g fat; 5.9 g carbohydrate; 4.9 g net carbs; 114 mg sodium; 95 mg cholesterol; 1.0 g fiber


1-2 fillets ling cod (298 g in photo)
60 g (approx. 6 tbsp) duxelles sauteed mushrooms
1/2 tsp karashi mustard
Several sprigs (1/2-1 tsp) fresh thyme
2-3 sprigs parsley
1 tbsp butter
2 tbsp panko bread crumbs
2-3 tbsp milk
Black pepper, to taste
100 cc white wine
100 cc water (not in photo)

Preheat oven for broiling.


Soak panko in milk. (Optional: panko and milk can be directly added to duxelles.)


Finely chop parsley (save some for garnish).


Melt butter (microwave for 20-30 seconds) and add to duxelles.

Add moistened panko, parsley, thyme and karashi to duxelles, and mix.
Add black pepper, and mix. 


In an oven-safe pan, place ling cod (cut into 2 pieces as necessary), and top with duxelles mixture. 

Pour white wine and water in pan.

Make sure liquid level is below the duxelles layer of fish.


Broil until top is crispy.


Ready to serve.
(If uncertain whether or not fish is done, cook on stovetop for few minutes.)

Served with carrot risotto and green salad in top photo.

  • Since fish itself is steamed in white wine and water, use fresh fish. The butter in the duxelles mixture would not cover the deteriorating taste and smell of tired-looking or previously frozen fish.
  • In the recipe above I used Japanese karashi mustard powder, as it is free of sodium. If sodium is not a concern, feel free to use mustard paste (either Japanese or Western).
  • Three tablespoons milk in the duxelles mixture above results in a gentle finish, which is pleasant when you feel tired. Reduce the amount of milk (to 2 tbsp) for a more vibrant result.
  • Use bread (stale is better) if available. One or two thin slices of baguette are enough for the above recipe. Tear them into small pieces and mix with 1 tbsp milk in the duxelles mixture. This should result in a crispy texture after broiling -- highly recommended!
  • Duxelles are great with relatively plain-flavored white-flesh fish as well as salmon.

(Last updated: February 18, 2014)

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