

Breakfast, September 12, 2011

Tomatoes and Japanese cucumbers are now a regular harvest from our greenhouse.

  • Steamed rice with toasted black sesame seeds
  • Daikon, ninjin, shantoreru no misoshiru / miso soup with daikon radish, carrot and chanterelle mushrooms, with mizuna
  • Atsuage, konnyaku, daikon no happa no miso itame / deep-fried tofu, konkyaku yam cake and daikon radish leaves saute with miso
  • Kyuri no shiomomi, shiso iri / Japanese cucumber instant pickle with green perilla leaf
  • Fresh tomatoes

Thinly sliced Japanese cucumber is lightly salted. Shiso perilla leaf gives an extra summer taste. Served with fresh tomato wedges, this is a summer dish.

Fall is definitely approaching, as chanterelle mushrooms are appearing. Seasonal ingredients like chanterelles add a special touch to ordinary dishes. Our regular miso soup with daikon radish and carrot instantly becomes a soup of the season. Chanterelles are versatile and stay firm when cooked – they are one of my favorite mushrooms.

Leftover kyonnyaku is combined with atsuage deep-fried tofu for saute with miso. Red chili peppers are added, as they go well with both konnyaku and miso. Spicy and somewhat sweet miso saute is also a perfect match with plain steamed rice.

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