

Kyuri Japanese cucumber

Cucumis sativus
Kyuri has a crispy and juicy texture, thin skin and is mostly eaten raw in Japanese cooking. In Chinese cooking, it is also cooked. Kyuri is known to remove heat from the body -- a perfect summer vegetable. While it is mostly water (over 95%), kyuri does contain Vitamin C, carotene and potassium. Potassium promotes discharge of sodium from the body, and thus is effective for prevention of high blood pressure. Cucurbitacin, the substance that makes kyuri skin bitter, is said to control cancer cell growth.

When selecting kyuri, buy firm ones with dark green skin. Kyuri has a prickly skin, and the sharper the prickles are, the fresher it is.

14 kcal/100 g; 95.4% water, 1.0% protein, 0.1% fat, 3.0% carbohydrate, 0.5% ash

Recipes with kyuri

Try kyuri in the following recipes

(Last updated: June 27, 2018)

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