

Kabu turnip

Brassica rapa var rapifera

Has a very fine texture and tastes bittersweet raw, and sweet and very soft when cooked. It is said that kabu was introduced to Japan sometime BC 3c-10c, and today more than 80 species (both Asian-origin and European-origin) of kabu are grown in Japan. It is still new where we live in the Pacific Northwest. It is a cool season vegetable, and grows well in containers for us.

The white root contains diastase, a digestive enzyme, which controls stomach acid and reduces such discomfort as a heavy feeling stomach and heartburn. The effect of the enzyme is strongest when eaten raw or prepared without heat. Leaves are considered a secondary part of this vegetable, yet are rich in nutrition (beta carotene, Vitamin C, calcium, fiber), and are comparable to spinach and komatusna.

Isothiocyanate, a pungent substance in both root and leafy parts, is believed to control carcinogenic substances.

20 kcal/100 g; 93.9% water, 0.7% protein, 0.1% fat, 4.6% carbohydrate, 0.6% ash

Recipes with kabu

Try kabu in the following recipes

(Last updated: June 3, 2019)

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