

Gyudon / steamed rice with sliced beef in salty sweet broth

A popular fast food in Japan that you can easily make at home.


(Serves 1)

100 g beef tri-tip (thinly sliced and marinated in 1/2 tbsp shiokoji rice malt for at least 1 hour, or in 1/2 a grated onion for 1-2 nights – see notes)
1/4 onion
1 egg (yolk only; optional)
Sansho powder (optional; not in photo)

For broth
3 tbsp dashi
1 1/2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp sake
1 tbsp mirin
1/2 tsp honey
1/4 tsp oyster sauce (optional – see notes; not in photo)


Cut onion crosswise, and thinly slice lengthwise.


In a pot, put all ingredients for broth and onion, and cook for a few minutes on medium to medium low heat until onion is somewhat soft.


Meanwhile, break egg and separate yolk and egg white (keep egg white in the fridge or freeze it for another use).


Place beef over onion evenly, without slices overlapping.
Quickly flip, mix with onion, and cook on medium low heat for several minutes.


Serve rice in a bowl, and place beef and onion on top.


Reduce liquid to 1/2 or 1/3 on medium high or high heat, and pour over beef.

Put egg yolk in the center, and sprinkle sansho powder.

Ready to serve.

  • This is typically made with thinly sliced (1mm or less) fatty beef (brisket). Since it is not available locally, I thinly slice red meat (relatively fatty tri-tip) into 2 mm (can be done without freezing meat), and marinate it in shiokoji salted rice malt for 1 hour up to 2 nights, or in grated onion for 1-2 nights.  
  • Shoikoji does not need to be washed off; you can put everything in the pot. When grated onion is used to marinate beef, discard onion and use beef only.
  • Adding oyster sauce is recommended when beef is marinated in grated onion, as it gives extra depth to the broth.
  • Don't feel obliged to use all the liquid after reducing it. Pouring all the liquid could result in a very strong flavor or soggy rice, depending on the actual amount of liquid and rice. Adjust accordingly.


  1. looks good! I really like raw eggs too! but in USA people are really afraid of raw eggs XD

  2. Eggs are optional. A lightly beaten egg can be swirled in at the very end and cooked before serving on rice too, depending on your taste.
