

Shishito to shantoreru no shiokoji kinpira / kinpira saute of shishito peppers and chanterelle mushrooms with salted rice malt

A quick, spicy saute. Shiokoji salted rice malt brings out the soft bitterness of shishito peppers and a bit fruity, woodsy scent of chanterelle mushrooms.

1/2 of recipe:
32 calories; 0.2 g protein; 2.0 g fat; 1.9 g carbohydrate; 1.1 g net carbs; 30 mg sodium; 0 mg cholesterol; 0.8 g fiber


(Serves 2 as a small side dish)

5 shishito Japanese peppers (24 g in photo)
2 large chanterelle mushrooms (44 g in photo)
1/2 taka no tsume red pepper (slices)
1/2 tbsp sake
1/3 tsp shiokoji salted rice malt
1/2 tsp canola oil (not in photo)
1/2 tsp sesame oil (not in photo)


Cut off shishito stems, and diagonally cut in two.
Cut or tear chanterelles into a size that matches shishito.


In a frying pan, heat canola and sesame oil.
Put shishito, chanterelles and taka no tsume red pepper, and saute on medium or medium low heat.


When shishito brightens and chanterelle color intensifies somewhat, add sake, and stir.

Add shiokoji, and stir.
Cook until liquid is almost gone.

  • I usually use only sesame oil for kinpira saute. Above, I mixed sesame oil and canola oil to prevent the sesame oil from covering up the taste and aroma of shishito and chanterelles.
  • Tastes good hot or at room temperature. Makes a great little dish for bento.

(Last updated: November 6, 2013)

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