

Negi to shoga no ae-men / oyster sauce flavored Chinese noodles with green onions and ginger

So simple and tasty! The combination of green onions and ginger is pungent and fresh, and provides a great contrast to the deep taste of oyster sauce. The sauce can be made with oyster sauce and water only; in the recipe below, I used chicken stock and a few other ingredients to control the sodium and give extra umami. One of my favorite lunch noodles.

Whole recipe:
303 calories; 11.5 g protein; 6.0 g fat; 50.9 g carbohydrate; 47.8 g net carbs; 556 mg sodium; 0 mg cholesterol; 3.1 g fiber


(Serves 1)

1 ball thin Chinese egg noodles
3 green onions
Small knob (1-2 cm piece) ginger
1 tsp sesame oil

For sauce
2 tsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp chicken stock
1 tsp Shaoxing wine
1/4 tsp kurozu brown rice vinegar


Cut green onions into 4-5 cm, and julienne.

Here, first take care of green sections.
Smash with the side of knife to flatten, and julienne.

Then, cut each white section lengthwise in half.
Remove the spongy inner part.
Smash with the side of knife, and julienne.   

Soak in cold water.


Thinly slice ginger, and julienne.
Add to green-onion soaking water. Soak for 10 minutes.
Change water once or twice if a milder, less pungent taste is desired in the final dish.



Meanwhile, mix all ingredients for the sauce.

Microwave for 20-30 seconds or until ingredients are steaming hot and bubbling. 


Bring plenty of water to boil.
Cut noodle ball in half with scissors (optional), and place in a strainer that fits in the pot.

When water boils vigorously, put the strainer in the pot, and cook noodles for 1-2 minutes or until desired softness is achieved.


Remove noodles, and rinse under cold water.


Put noodles back in cooking water for a short time to heat them up.

Drain well, and place in a bowl.


Swirl in sesame oil.
Mix well.


Squeeze excess water from green onions and ginger, and add to noodles.
Mix well.


Mix sauce well.

Pour sauce, and mix well.

Ready to serve.

  • Either fresh or dried egg noodles work. Linguini-like flat egg noodles are also fine.
  • If kurozu brown rice vinegar is not available, regular rice vinegar can substitute. Brown rice vinegar has a stronger, deeper taste.
  • If chicken stock at hand is store-bought, use water instead. Store-bought chicken stock generally has lots of sodium.

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