

Breakfast, June 24, 2011

Two small usuage thin deep-fried tofu are sitting in the fridge. The first batch of komatsuna needs to be finished and some kabu turnip leaves that are shading eggplant and basil plants in the greenhouse need to be removed. Together, they make a good nibitashi, vegetables in light warm broth.

  • Steamed rice topped with iritamago scrambled eggs with sakura ebi
  • Komatsuna to kabu no happa, usuage no nibitashi / komatsuna, kabu turnip leaves, thin deep-fried tofu in light warm broth
  • Gobo, ninjin, daikon, snap pea no kimpira / kimpira saute of burdock root, carrot, daikon radish and snap peas
  • Tomato with sliced onion, sweet vinegar dressing

Another thing left in the fridge are skins of daikon radish. When I get very fresh daikon, I skin relatively thick (5mm) when cooking something else, and save the skin in plastic wrap for other use. They are julienned together with carrot, gobo burdock root and snap peas, and sauteed for kimpira. Sliced red chili pepper gives a punch to this simple dish, which has a rich taste and toasty aroma because of sesame oil.

I was still a bit tired from yesterday's trip to Seattle. Bright color would help wake me up. Scrambled eggs with sakura ebi lighten up the tray.
Hmm... I can use more help. One raw, cool-temperature vegetable dish would stimulate my brain.

Four tomatoes on the kitchen counter are looking at me. One lucky tomato is peeled and diced. A quarter of an onion is very thinly sliced, soaked, then gently squeezed in cold water. Put tomato in a glass bowl, top with sliced onion, and pour sweetened rice vinegar dressing.

I seldom eat raw vegetables. There is no need to chill my body in this cool climate, except for when there is some benefit to do so. Just listen to your body. It will tell you what it needs.

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